The sections on the left-hand side of this page provide model documents, forms and guidance schools need to use to convert to an academy when their application to convert has been approved in principle.joel osteen

Support grant claim form

The support grant claim form below enables you to claim the £25,000 support grant, and should be completed as soon as you have been informed that your application has been agreed in principle. Please send this to your named Departmental contact (project lead). The grant will then be paid within 14 days. The form includes information about the conditions of the grant.joel osteen quotes and sermons

Support grant certificate

The chair of governors will need to send the completed certificate below to your named Departmental contact (project lead) before the academy opens. The certificate provides a declaration of how much of the grant has been spent, and whether any is being carried forward into the academy budget. This needs to be completed even if the full amount of the grant has been